Choosing the Right Board Game for the Day of the Week

It often depends on the day of the week. Literally. Not all days of the week are created equal in terms of energy and concentration.

7 Board Game Thoughts for Each Day of the Week

Monday: Mondays are sometimes tough so something quick and light works on a Monday. Maybe Star Realms or Hero Realms. These games play quick and once you’ve played them a few times you are almost on autopilot.

Tuesday: This day can be even more exhausting than Monday. I usually like a little a board game that offers some quiet time so a nice, two player game that is contemplative but no too heavy. Maybe Tsuro or Azul.

Wednesday: It’s hump day and if you need a board game to super charge the second half of the week something with fast turns is my answer: Golem Century Edition.

Thursday: Learn a new game or get excited about a new game. Watch a little YouTube. Watch it Played for instructions or Dice Tower/ Quackalope to get excited about something new. Fall asleep contemplating a rule book or Treat Yo’ Self to a trip to your local game shop to pick out something new.

Friday: Play that new game if learned the rules on Friday or if I am too tired from the week that was, maybe go with a favorite like Wingspan.

Saturday: I’ve got time for whatever. Summer time options still need to be somewhat quick play because daylight hours are burned outside. Maybe Tiny Epic Dinosaurs or an older game like IMHOTEP. would fit the bill. In wintertime, (or when there is a global pandemic) I’m more partial to something a little longer like Root or Everdell.

Sunday: A little cooperative often play sounds like a fitting way to end the weekend. I like Dixit for getting to know new people. Code Names Duet is great to play with a good friend or partner. Wonder Woman is lots of fun if you are feeling.

Bonus: Holidays and Birthdays throw in a warm up game that’s quick: Holiday Fluxx is a fun way to start or end a gaming session.


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