Nicole Aue

Blog author Nicole Aue is a user interface and graphic designer in Portland, Oregon, and co-owner of 45th Parallel Design. Nicole got her first board games — Scooby Doo, Uncle Wiggly, Uno, and Candy Land — around age 5. Around age 8 she was introduced to some additional popular games, like Monopoly, Stratego, Aggravation, Battleship, Yahtzee, Chinese Checkers, Mastermind, and a couple of titles from Milton Bradley's “American Heritage” series of board games. When she was age 10, she remembers staying up late playing Risk for the first time, and getting absolutely hooked on watching the outcomes of her decisions (along with the luck of the dice) play out on the board. When games like Carcassonne, Catan, and Agricola emerged into the zeitgeist during the Board Game Renaissance of the aughts, Nicole eagerly anticipated opportunities for tabletop gaming with geeky friends. She continues to love games, and covets all the games she doesn't have time to play.

Nicole undertook building the Board Game MatrixTM app with partner Megan Ferrell just for the fun of it.

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